What an End to 2020

Well, we wrapped up 2020 with a bam! We wanted to break up our trip from Chattanooga to Madison (we were dog sitting,) I thought it would be a good idea to stop in Meridian and go shopping at the mall there. Emma Claire even asked "is this safe?" well little did I know it was not. After shopping for a little bit, we were on the way back through the mall to go to the car. All of the sudden people around us starting running. After a minute we knew something was wrong. All of the metal guards on the store doors began to come down. The owner of Footlocker called us into the store. We immediately ran to the back and hid. Someone hiding with us told us there was a shooting. We stayed in the back for only a few minutes. We then came out and stood in the store for a little while. The owner of the store got the go ahead, so they led out of a back passage way to a parking lot. The only problem was it wasn't the parking lot that our car was in. We walked up to the police officer w...